TC 2 of IFIP
3rd meeting of TC
Oslo; September 1963.
4th meeting of TC
Prague; May 1964.
5th meeting of TC
New York; May 1965.
6th meeting of TC
Nice; November 1965.
7th meeting of TC
London; April 1966.
A Partial Meeting of TC
Pisa; 7.09.1966.
8th meeting of TC.
Oslo; May 1967.
9th meeting of TC
Edinburgh; August 1968.
10th meeting of TC
Gilford, England; January 1969.
11th meeting of TC
Prague; October 1969.
12th meeting of TC
Eindhoven, Netherlands; August 1970.
13th meeting of TC.
Ljubljana; August 1971.
Extraordinary meeting of TC in London
June 1972.
14th meeting of TC
Zakopane, Poland; September 1972.
15th meeting of TC.
Munich; April 1973.
16th meeting of TC
Toronto; October 1973.
17th meeting of TC
Cargese, France; April 1974.
18th meeting of TC
Frostavallen, Sweden; August 1974.
19th meeting of TC
Keszthely, Hungary; September 1975.
20th meeting of TC
Freudenstadt, FRG; January 1976.
21st meeting of TC
St.Pierre-de-Shartreuse, France; September 1976.
22nd meeting of TC
St.Andrews, Canada; August 1977.
23rd meeting of TC
Oxford, England; April 1978.
24th meeting of TC
Baden, Austria; December 1978.
25th meeting of TC
Venice, Italy; June 1979.
26th meeting of TC
Linz, Austria; May 1980.
27th meeting of TC
Brussels; January 1981.
28th meeting of TC
Dijon, France; September 1981.
29th meeting of TC
Garmisch, FRG; June 1982.
30th meeting of TC
Baden, Austria; May 1983.
33rd meeting of TC
Palo Alto, USA; April 1986.
35th meeting of TC
Munich; 28-29.03.1987.
TC 2 Meeting in St. Pierre de Chartreuse
TC 2 Meeting in Grenoble
"Extracted Lists"
Lists of members of Working Groups and participants of Working Conferences of TC-2, used to select IFIP 80 Congress' reviewers.
Various materials

Letter and Attachment, 31.10.1983
Covering letter for an article on activities of the IFIP Technical Committee 2, and this article itself. The article is distributed by the IFIP Public Information Committee.
Letter on a Form and Attachments, M. Paul->A.P. Ershov, 20.01.1988
The author informs of the TC-2 meeting to be held in Munich, March 28-29, and of the WG 2.7 meeting during previous week. He suggests to fill in the enclosed reservation and registration forms ASAP.
of members of IFIP Technical Committees 1, 2 and 3 and of Working Group 1.1.

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