TC 2 of IFIP
15th meeting of TC.
Draft Minutes, 10.04.1973
of the meeting.
Draft Agenda, 01.04.1973
of the meeting.
Membership, 10.04.1973
of TC-2. (Attachment 10 to the Minutes of the 15th TC-2 meeting.)
Letter, B. Einarsson->J.C.T. Pool, 09.04.1973(?)
concerning creation of the Working Group on Numerical Program Libraries. (Attachment 9 to the Minutes of the 15th TC-2 meeting.)
Letter with Attachments, W. A. Wulf->T. B. Steel, Jr., 08.10.1973
Covering letter for documents concerning formation of a Working Group on Machine-Oriented Higher Level Languges and these documents themselves. (Attachment 8 to the Minutes of the 15th TC-2 meeting.)
Item 6. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Draft Formal Resolution, 09.04.1973(?)
marked as "Los Angeles 1". The Resolution recommends the final definition of ALGOL 68 for approval as an official IFIP publication. (Attachment 7 to the Minutes of the 15th TC-2 meeting.)
Draft Resolution, 31.08.1973
of the Working Conference "Machine-Oriented High Level Languages" ("MOHLL"). The resolution requests the TC-2 to form a Working Group on MOHLL. (Attachment 6 to the Minutes of the 15th TC-2 meeting.)
Short Report, 02.10.1973
on the Working Conference "Machine-Oriented High Level Languages". (Attachment 5 to the Minutes of the 15th TC-2 meeting.)
Materials, 21.06.1973
to the Working Conference on Data Base Management Systems. (Attachment 3 to the Minutes of the 15th TC-2 meeting.)
Proposal, 26.09.1973
concerning Working Conference on Command Languages. (Attachment 1 to the Minutes of the 15th TC-2 meeting.)
Letter, S. Moriguti->T. B. Steel, Jr., 27.08.1973
concerning the Minicomputer Sofware Conference. (Attachment 2 to the Minutes of the 15th TC-2 meeting.)

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