TC 2 of IFIP
35th meeting of TC
Agenda, 28.03.1987
of the 35th meeting of TC 2. (Doc. "Munich-1".)
Manuscript Minutes, 28.03.1987(?)
of the IFIP Council meeting and meetings of other IFIP committees. (Doc. "Munich-2".)
Letter with Attachments, 24.05.1987
Covering letter for materials of the 14th WG 2.5 Meeting held at Como, Italy, from 22 to 24 May 1987 (Doc. "Munich-7") and these materials themselves: 1) List of Documents ("Doc. Como-1"); 2) Minutes of the Meeting ("Doc. Como-3", first pages of the summary are missing); 3) List of WG Members ("Doc. Como-4"); 4) WG 2.5 Projects ("Doc. Como-5").
Report, 18.03.1988
on 38th meeting of IFIP WG 2.1. (Doc. "Munich-3".)
Letter with Attachments, 25.11.1986(?)
The letter informs that the 22nd meeting of WG 2.3 in Habay-la-Neuve "went well". The attachments contain the list of the given talks and the WG up-to-date mailing list. (Doc. "Munich-4".)
Letter, A. Mili->C. B. Jones, 04.01.1988
on WG 2.3 sponsorship for the Tenth Tunisian/French Computer Science Conference. (Doc. "Munich-5".)
Letter with Attachment, 05.11.1987
The letter contains impressions on the previous WG 2.4 meeting (in Tokyo) and invites to actively participate in its next meeting (in Paris). There is attached a classification of papers presented at the Tokyo meeting. (Doc. "Munich-6".)
Letter with Attachment, 07.03.1988
Covering letter for the agenda of the 35th TC 2 meeting and this agenda itself.
Report, 24.02.1988
of WG 2.5 to the 35th TC 2 meeting on standartization of real numbers representation in Open System Interconnection family of standards. (Doc. "Munich-8".)
Proposals, 09.03.1988
of WG 2.5 to the 35th TC 2 meeting on organizing a Working Conference on Non-Lingual Scientific Problem Solving. (Doc. "Munich-9".)
Report, 24.03.1988
of WG 2.6 to the 35th meeting of TC 2. (Doc. "Munich-10".)
Call for Papers, 28.03.1987(?)
for the Working Conference on Visual Database Systems. (Doc. "Munich-11".)
Proposal, 28.03.1987(?)
on the Working Conference "Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction". (Doc. "Munich-12".)
Proposal, 28.03.1987(?)
on a seminar "Advanced User Interfaces" to be held in Melbourne between 21 and 23 Nov. 1988. (Doc. "Munich-13".)
Naming List, 29.03.1987
of Technical Committee 2 as of 35th meeting. (Doc. "Munich-14".)
Document Numbers List, 29.03.1987
of the TC 2 meetings (pages 1-14). (Doc. "Munich-15".)
Letter with Attachment, 20.10.1988
Covering letter for Minutes of the 35th TC 2 meeting and these Minutes (Doc. "Munich-16") themselves. A forthcoming TC meeting in Grenoble (Jan. 1989) is also mentioned.
Letter on a Form, R. E. A. Mason->A.P. Ershov, 05.02.1988
The addressee is asked to confirm his participaton in the TC-2 meeting (Munich, March 28-29, 1988). If he is unable to attend the meeting, it will be great if he could arrange proxy representation of his country at the meeting.

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