TC 2 of IFIP
30th meeting of TC
Item 1. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Minutes, 30.05.1983-31.05.1983
of the meeting. (Doc. "Baden-17".)
Report, 06.03.1983
on ISO/TC97/SC16. (Doc. "Baden-2".)
Informaton, 01.04.1984(?)
on royalties paid in 1982 for TC-2 works. (Doc. "Baden-3".)
Letter with Attachment, P. R. King->M. Paul, 10.05.1983
Covering letter for a report on activities of WG 2.1 since January 1982 and this report itself. (Doc. "Baden-4".)
Letter, E. J. Neuhold->M. Paul, 28.09.1982
on decisions taken by WG 2.1. (Doc. "Baden-5".)
Letter, M. Woodger ->M. Paul, 16.11.1982
containing report to the 30th TC 2 meeting on the WG 2.1 meetings held in October 1981 and September 1982. (Doc. "Baden-6".)
Letter with Attachments, 27.06.1983
Formal invitation to participate in the Working Conference "System Programming Languages" (Canterbury, September, 1984). Attachments contain information on the conference, rules of submission of papers, and the approved invitation list. (Doc. "Baden-7".)
Report, 26.05.1983
of WG 2.5 to the Technical Committee 2. (Doc. "Baden-8", "Soederkoeping-3".)
Approval Checklist, 30.05.1983(?)
of the Working Conference "Problem Solving Environments for Scientific Computing" supposed for June 1985. (Doc. "Baden-9".)
Formulation of Scope, 30.05.1983(?)
of Working Group 2.7. (Doc. "Baden-10".)
Plan, 30.05.1983(?)
for six years of TC 2. (Doc. "Baden-11".)
Letter, B. A. Wichmann->M. Paul, 29.05.1983
on IFIP co-sponsoring of several conferences. (Doc. "Baden-12".)
Mailing List, 30.05.1983(?)
of Technical Committee 2 (as of 30th meeting, identical to that of 29th meeting). (Doc. "Baden-13".)
Letters, G. M. Nijssen->M. Paul, 30.05.1983(?)
The chairman of WG 2.6 resigns and proposes the person of his successor. (Doc. "Baden-14".) The latter is nominated as representative of WG 2.6 in the TC-2 meeting. The secretary of the WG resigns also.
Letter, G. Goos->M. Paul, 20.05.1983
with the report about activities of WG 2.4 to the 30th meeting of TC 2.
Document Numbers List, 30.05.1983(?)
of the TC 2 meetings (pages 1-8). (Doc. "Baden-16".)

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