TC 2 of IFIP
12th meeting of TC
Minutes, 03.08.1970-05.08.1970
of the meeting.
Membership, 05.08.1970
of WG 2.1. (Attachment 1 to the Minutes of the 12th TC 2 meeting.)
Membership, 05.08.1970
of WG 2.2. (Attachment 2 to the Minutes of the 12th TC 2 meeting.)
Membership, 05.08.1970
of WG 2.3. (Attachment 3 to the Minutes of the 12th TC 2 meeting.)
Activity Report, 01.08.1970
¹ 10 of WG 2.1. (Attachment 4 to the Minutes of the 12th TC 2 meeting.)
Proposal, 05.08.1970
on scope of WG 2.1. (Attachment 5 to the Minutes of the 12th TC 2 meeting.)
Letter, M. Woodger ->T. B. Steel, Jr., 25.03.1970
on activity of WG 2.1. (Attachment 6 to the Minutes of the 12th TC 2 meeting.)
Proposal, 02.07.1970
to hold a working conference on graphical languages. (Attachment 7 to the Minutes of the 12th TC 2 meeting.)

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