All-Union Conferences, Seminars, Symposiums, Schools
Second All-Union Conference in Programming
Author's notes
"Operating System ND-69 for BESM-6"
"Operating System ND-69 for BESM-6"
"Operating System ND-69 for BESM-6"
"Operating System ND-69 for BESM-6"
"Implementation of an OS for Minsk-32"
"Main functions of a dispatcher for Minsk-32"
"UNIOS-68 operating system structure"
"UNIOS-68 operating system structure"
"Heuristic programming"
"The theory of formal grammars and languages"
"An automated control system"
"AIST-0 - an experimantal time-sharing system"
"AIST-0 - an experimantal time-sharing system"
"AIST-0 - an experimantal time-sharing system"
"AIST-0 - an experimantal time-sharing system"
"AIST-0 - an experimantal time-sharing system"
"Dispatcher for AIST-0 system"
"Dispatcher for AIST-0 system"
"Dispatcher for AIST-0 system"
"Dispatcher for AIST-0 system"

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