All-Union Conferences, Seminars, Symposiums, Schools
Second All-Union Conference in Programming
Author's notes
Author's note, 25.12.1969
"Dispatcher for AIST-0 system"
"Dispatcher for AIST-0 system"
"Dispatcher for AIST-0 system"
VKP-2 Proceedings
"An information display system using a character printer"
"TENZOR system program"
"An OS for dialog debugging on Dnepr-21 computer"
"An OS for dialog debugging on Dnepr-21 computer"
"An OS for dialog debugging on Dnepr-21 computer"
"An external sorting algorithm for magnetic tape using optimal merge trees"
"An external sorting algorithm for magnetic tape using optimal merge trees"
"A questionnarie system for economical data processing"
"On development of a parametric translating system"
"Unified implementatiom of I/O procedures for ALGAMS and FORTRAN languages"
"Unified implementatiom of I/O procedures for ALGAMS and FORTRAN languages"
"A modification of the IPM autocode translating program for M-220"
"REFAL compiler"
"REFAL compiler"
"BESM-Algol system"
"A universal programming scheme"

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