Letter, P. R. King->A.P. Ershov, 14.10.1984 The WG 2.1 members continue to hold A.P.Ershov's status quo with regard to the WG, but since he has not attended any meeting for a long time his presence at the next one (Netherlands, April 1985) were desirable for the sake of maintaining his membership.
Letter, P. R. King->A.P. Ershov, 15.02.1984The author is sorry that A.Ershov was not present at the Catalina WG 2.1 meeting and asks that Ershov consider attending some of the two next meetings: in Pont-a-Mousson (which has to be held just prior the Canterbury Working conference on System Programming Languages) and in Utrecht.
Letter, 08.05.1984by the Chairman of the WG 2.1 addressed to the participants of the forthcoming 33nd meeting of the group. The letter discusses following issues: 1) resulta of the 32nd meeting; 2) preparation of the Working Conference on Program Specification and Transformation; 3) local arrangements for the 33th meeting; 4) WG observers; 5) technical content of the meeting.
Letter, P. R. King->A.P. Ershov, 19.07.1983Participants of the 31st WG 2.1 meeting highly appreciating A.P.Ershov's membership and noting that he could not attend WG meetings for some time would be pleased if he were able to attend one of future meetings - the 32nd or the 33rd.
Letter, A.P. Ershov->P. R. King, 21.06.1984A.Ershov understands that his present activity directed to support and standardization of Algol is not sufficient for an active WG 2.1 member. But taking into account an actual process of restructing the Soviet Academy's activity towards IFIP, he kindly asks to preserve his status quo for a while.
Invitations, 06.07.1984(a short one and a detailed one) to the 33rd WG 2.1 meeting in Pont-a-Mousson.
Paper, 31.07.1984"A Syntactic Frame for ABSTRACTO" as it was made up at the meeting's deadline.
Draft Paper, 01.08.1984"The control skeleton of a behavioural specification language". A version for advance distribution prior to the meeting.
Letter with Attachments, 26.09.1984Covering letter for the minutes of the 33nd WG 2.1 meeting and for an address list of WG current members and observers as well as these materials themselves.
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