IFIP 71 Congress
A.P. Ershov's paper "Theory of program schemata"
Draft manuscript, 25.03.1971
of the main text; enclosed are the figures and their drafts
Draft translation
of the paper into English (handwritten copies).
Drafts, 01.09.1971(?)
material for the paper that was "put off"
Notebook page, 01.07.1971(?)
with mathematical notation relevant to the paper(presumable made by P.Chatelin)
Paper, 01.01.1971
Theory of Program Schemata (typewritten copies with bibliography and figures)
Remarks (handwritten), P. Chatelin->A.P. Ershov, 15.05.1971
to the paper; checked out by Ershov's hand
Text of the talk, 25.08.1971
based on the submitted paper text with hand-written modifications
The paper sketch, 24.01.1971
Handwritten outline of the paper
Transparencies, 01.09.1971(?)
for the presentation

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