School Informatics
School Informatics Information Files
Articles sent for information
@Game constructor - interactive instrumental system for game program development"
"Software budgets take a caning".
"The Use of New Technology in College Education"
oof the article "New programming kills skills"
Article, B. M. Vasiliev->A.P. Ershov
Xerocopy, 15.02.1981
of the articles by Acad. E.Velikhov
Article, 01.01.1982(?)
"Computers and Educational Process Automation"
Article, 01.04.1982
"Computer in school" from the "Prospect" journal
Xerocopy, 07.04.1983
of the article from the "Computer" journal
Article, 30.01.1984
"Microprocessors in foreign schools"
Article, 01.05.1984(?)
"Computers in Education: The French Experience (1970-1984)"
Article, 22.06.1984
"Computer Use in Precollege Education" ("Computer", v.17, ¹4, 1984).
Article, 20.12.1984
"Will Home Computers Transform Schools?"; "Science", vol. 225.
Article, 20.12.1984
"Algebra und Geometrie als Alternative Sprechen Mathimatischen Denkens" signed by the author
Article, 28.12.1984
"Computer use in teaching physics in secondary school"
Article, 17.03.1985
"Apropos A.Ershov's article "Computer at school: forming a national program"
Article, 09.04.1985
"Introducing computers in secondary school"
Article, 03.08.1985
"Computer Based Writing Aids" from "Computers & Electronics", March 1985.
Article, 03.08.1985
"Does Computer-Assisted Instruction Work?" from "Computers & Electronics", March 1985

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