International Conferences, Seminars, Symposiums, Congresses, Schools, and Colloquiums
International Symposium "Algorithms in Modern Mathematics and Computer Science"
Publishing and distribution of the proceedings of the symposium
Address list, 01.10.1979
of all participants of Urgench Symposium (in Russian and in English)
Annotation, 06.07.1981
to the Proceedings of the Symposium
to the Proceedings
Author's reference, 09.01.1981
to the paper "Church-Rosser reducers and decidable tree processing properties"
Circular Letter, A.P. Ershov->all participants, 01.02.1980
to all participants of Urgench Symposium. "Springer-Verlag" confirms its intention to publish the Proceedings as a separate LNCS volume and asks to estimate the time necessary for the volume preparation
Circular Letter (in English), 23.06.1980
to all participants of the Symposium - request to send the texts by the 1st of September
Circular Letter, 24.06.1980
to all participants of the Symposium - request to send the texts by the 1st of September
Circular letter, 01.10.1979
ro all authors - to send the English texts by the end of 1979
Claim, 06.07.1981
Supplement to the plan of publications of the "Nauka" Publishers, 1982
Claim, A. S. Alekseev->V. V. Vaschenko, 11.12.1981
Supplement to the plan of publications of the Siberian Branch of "Nauka" Publishers, 1982
Corrections, V. A. Uspensky->A.P. Ershov, 23.05.1981
to the paper by V.A. Uspenskiy and A.L. Semenov
Cover Letter, E. Tyugu->A.P. Ershov, 11.01.1980
for the paper in Russian and in English and the expert's opinion form
Covering Letter (handwritten), V. A. Uspensky->A.P. Ershov, 25.06.1980
to two copies of the paper co-authored by A.L. Semenov
Covering letter, 19.10.1981
to 58 copies of the "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", Vol.122.
Covering letter, A.P. Ershov->G. Rossbach, 18.06.1981
to some of the Urgench papers
Covering letter, A.P. Ershov->G. Rossbach, 17.06.1981
to the Soviet part of "Urgench'79 Papers"
Covering letter, A.P. Ershov->G. Rossbach, 21.07.1981
to the paper by N. Nepeivoda
Covering letter, A.P. Ershov->G. Rossbach, 15.06.1981
to the Soviet part of "Urgench'79 Papers"
Enclosure, 22.09.1981
to the letters to Ershov amd Knuth of September 22, 1981 -"Author's/Editor's Questionnaire".
Enclosure, 22.09.1981
to the letter of Sept 22, 1981. Layout of the title page and the front page of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science volume

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