Artificial Intelligence
International Joint Conference in Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-4)
At the Conference
Journal, 01.09.1975-08.09.1975
Detailed account of the events for the period of September 1-9, 1975
List of participants, 11.08.1975
of IJCAI-4 including those who could not come to the conference
Odd notes, 03.09.1975-08.09.1975
Opening speech, 03.09.1975
"Artificial Intelligence and scientific and technological progress"
Paper, 04.09.1975
"RITA - an experimantal man-computer system on a natural language basis".
Photo, 04.09.1975
Participants of the discussion "Mathematics, Cybernetics, and Artificial Intelligence" held at the Chess Club
Talk, 03.09.1975
at the discussion "Mathematics, Cybernetics, Artificial Intelligence" (handwritten)

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