Artificial Intelligence
International Joint Conference in Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-4)
Political campaign
Article, 01.01.1975(?)
about J.Minker in "Datamation" journal
Excerpts from Articles, 01.08.1974(?)-01.10.1974
from SIGART Newsletter N47-48 discussing the letter by J.Minker urging to hold IJCAI-4 in another country or to boycott it, and reaction of prominent scientists.
Letter, 01.07.1975
in the name of Committee of Concerned Scientists on situation with inviting A. Lerner to IJCAI-4; threat of conference boycott by political reasons.
Letter, J. McCarthy->A. I. Berg..., 27.07.1975
expressing concern about A. Lerner's participation in IJCAI-4, in particular - in panel discussion "Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence"
Reference (handwritten), 11.07.1974-08.09.1975
about political campaign in the USA apropos of IJCAI-4
Resolution, 10.03.1975
about financial support of international conferences by ACM

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