Routine business
Scientific and technical boards of the Computing Center
Agenda, 29.06.1988
Invitation, 09.07.1986
of members of scientific and technical board of the Computing Center's Informatics department
List, 22.04.1971
List, 04.11.1983
List, 24.10.1986
Notice, 02.06.1971
Notice, 28.10.1985
Notice, 11.01.1964
Notice, 01.02.1964
Notice, 25.01.1964
Notice, 18.01.1964
Notice, 01.04.1986
Notice, 29.04.1986
Notice, 15.02.1964
Notice, 22.02.1964
Notice, 07.03.1964
Notice, 14.03.1964
Notice, 11.04.1964
Notice, 21.03.1964

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