Scientific Manpower Training
Dissertation defence of third-party candidates
A. D. Korshunov's Dissertation Proceedings
Letter, 20.05.1986
Informing the addressee that he is appointed an official opponent to A.D. Korshunov's disertation
Review, 05.12.1986-19.12.1986
of the official opponent of dissertation by A.D. Korshunov "On the number of elements of free distributive structure (on the number of monotonous boolean functions)" (typewritten and handwritten copies)
Review, 01.12.1986
by V.K.Leontiev of dissertation by A.D. Korshunov "On the number of elements of free distributive structure (on the number of monotonous boolean functions)"
Draft resolution
of specialized dissertation board at the Institute of Mathematics SBAS on of the dissertation by A.D. Korshunov "On the number of elements of free distributive structure (on the number of monotonous boolean functions)"
Review, 27.11.1986
of the official opponent of dissertation by A.D. Korshunov "On the number of elements of free distributive structure (on the number of monotonous boolean functions)"

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