TC 2 of IFIP
Various materials
Report, 07.06.1979
on activity of WG 2.5 to the Venice meeting of TC-2. A draft agenda of the next WG meeting ps attached.
Letter with Attachments, 31.01.1986
Letter to TC 2 members with invitation to the next WG 2.2 meeting (Gl. Avernaes, 29-30.08.1986) immediately following the Working Conference on Formal Description of Programming Concepts. There are attached a list of invited observers, an information on aim and scope of WG 2.2 and a registration form.
Letter with Attachments, 10.06.1979
Covering letter to preliminary materials for the Working Conference "Firmware, Microprogramming and Restructurable Hardware" and these materials themselves.
Letter with Attachments, 15.12.1986
Invitation for TC-2 members to attend the WG 2.2 meeting in Sophia-Antipolis, France (1-5.06.1987). There are attached registration forms and the list of observers to be invited.
Letter, M. Paul->A.P. Ershov, 13.10.1979
Request for a mail ballot on appointment of M.Woodger as WG 2.3 Chairman.
Letter, A.P. Ershov->M. Paul, 22.10.1979
A.P.Ershov supports M.Woodger's nomination as WG 2.3 Chairman.
Letter, 22.10.1979
on plans of WG 2.2 activity for years 1980-1982.
Letter with Attachments, 21.11.1980
Information on the Working Conference "Program Language and Related Interfaces". There are attached a form for participation and a preliminary invitation list. Submitted to the 27th TC 2 meeting. (Doc. "Brussels-12".)
Document Numbers List, 16.12.1979
of the TC 2 meetings (pages 1-3).
Approval Checklist, 19.03.1980
of a working conference (a draft).
Basic Requirements, 19.03.1980
for TC 2 Approval of Working Conferences (a draft).
Document Numbers List, 03.05.1980
of the TC 2 meetings (pages 4-5).
Letter, 10.09.1980
to IFIP General Assembly members with a request to cooperate in reviewing Technical Committee 2 activities.
Letter, M. Paul->A.P. Ershov, 25.05.1981
to the members of the Technical Commission 2 of IFIP with request for a mail ballot on international standardization of ALGOL 68. Copy addressed to A.P.Ershov.
Letter, M. Paul->R. A. Pocock (Zobel-Pocock), 25.05.1981
to the members of the Technical Commission 2 of IFIP with request for a mail ballot on international standardization of ALGOL 68. Copy addressed to R.Pocock.
Letter, A.P. Ershov->M. Paul, 12.06.1981
A.P.Ershov votes (as a member of the Technical Committee 2 of IFIP) for international standardization of ALGOL 68.
Document Numbers List, 08.06.1982(?)
of the TC 2 meetings (pages 1-7).
Status Report, 01.04.1983(?)
on IFIP TC-2 publications for 1983.
Document Numbers List, 30.05.1983(?)
of the TC 2 meetings (pages 1-8). (Doc. "Baden-16".)
Letter and Draft Letter, 16.09.1985-12.10.1985
The Chairman of TC 2 R.Mason expresses in a letter his sadness with regard to A.P.Ershov's illness. A manuscript draft by Ershov contains his thanks and hopes to participate in the coming Munich working conference.

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