TC 2 of IFIP
20th meeting of TC
Account, 29.07.1974-02.08.1974
for the TC-2 Working Conference on Command Languages held in Lund in 1974, from the 29th July to the 2nd August.
Letter, E. J. Neuhold->T. B. Steel, Jr., 21.10.1975
The author informs of the next meeting of WG 2.2 (August 23-27, 1976 in Tampere, Finland) and future TC-2 Working Conference (August 3-6, 1977 in Canada).
Letter, M. Woodger ->T. B. Steel, Jr., 09.12.1975
M.Woodger replies to the T.Steel's letter of 02.12.75 and informs of his own disability to attend the TC-2 Meeting.
Letter with Attachment, F. R. Hertweck->T. B. Steel, Jr., 15.12.1975
Prof. Hertweck regrets not to be able to participate in the TC-2 meeting in Freudenstadt and proposes the list of WG 2.7 members for the TC-2 disposal.
Letter on a Form, G. M. Nijssen->T. B. Steel, Jr., 06.01.1976
The Chairman of WG 2.6 G.M.Nijssen sends a report on a Group work during the period: September 1, 1975 - January 1, 1976.
Letter on a Form, G. M. Nijssen->T. B. Steel, Jr., 06.01.1976
G.M.Nijssen requests TC-2 to approve a TC-2 sponsored Conference on Database Technology to be held in Switzerland, January 1977 and the second one (on the same topics) to be held in January 1978, probably France.
List, 06.01.1976(?)
of participants of WG2.6 meetings.
Minutes, 02.06.1976
of the Twentieth Meeting of IFIP TC-2 (Freudenstadt, Germany, 1976, January 9). The other documents of the Twentieth Meeting are attached to this Minutes.
Agenda, 02.06.1976
of the 20th Meeting of IFIP TC-2.
Information, 02.06.1976
on WG 7.4 on Modelling, Design and Optimization of Databases (Formation of this Group was proposed and rejected). There are aimes and scope, membership and address list, activity plan of the Group.

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