IFIP 80 Congress
Sojourn at the Congress
Miscellany, 02.10.1980-11.10.1980
1) Passanger ticket of Aeroflot issued to A.P.Ershov for the rout Moscow-Tokyo-Moscow (2-11.10.1980). 2) Baggage check of Aeroflot. 3) Board passes of Japan air lines. 4) Japanese stamps of some kind.
Draft Telegram, A.P. Ershov->M. Miyakawa, 19.09.1980
"Plan to arrive October 3. Could visit ETL and deliver a talk."
Invitation, P. A. Bobillier->A.P. Ershov, 09.09.1980
to attend the General Assembly President's Cocktail in Melbourne.
Card, 10.11.1980
"With Compliments"
Guide, 05.10.1980-10.10.1980
to Congress & Joint Exhibition Sites (for participants of the Congress Japan segment).

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