Incoming foreign mail (1985)
The author has received a letter that is a part of a chain started in Japan. Its purpose is to allow scientists to express their support for the end of the arms race and a start of the nuclear disarmament. The author asks the addressee to write the similar letter to ten further scientists and to send a copy of the letter to Japanese Professor T.Ito. /On the reverse side A.Ershov wrote last names of ten scholars to whom he intended to write such letter./
Date: 12.09.1985
Original document language: English
Authors: Reino Kurki-Suonio
Organizations: Univer. of Tampere
Persons: Wladislaw Marek Turski, Yan Martynovich Barzdin, Edsger W. Dijkstra, Donald E. Knuth, Svyatoslav S. Lavrov, Mauriņe Nivat, Jackob T. Schwartz, Carl-Erik Froeberg, Friedrich L. Bauer, Takayasu Ito, Blagovest Sendov
Addressee: Andrei Petrovich Ershov

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