Routine business
Normative documents
Statute, 01.01.1972
of the SBAS CC divisions
Statute, 01.01.1972
of the Scientific and Technical Council of a CC division
Regulations, 01.01.1972
on socialist competition among the laboratories of the CC theoretical divisions (draft)
Questionnaire, 01.01.1972
for application for a foreign trip
Reference, 01.01.1972
The list of international cooperation aspects to be taken into account upon drawing up a reference on international scientific contacts effectiveness
Written rules, 01.01.1972
for drawing up documents on awarding bonuses from a centralized fund
List, 01.01.1972(?)
of the Computing Center experts committee members
Refulations, 24.01.1972
on new software application
List, 13.03.1972
of sections and chapters from Safety Code and Practices necessary for electrical maintenance qualification examenation
Working routine rules, 01.01.1972(?)
for the Computing Center research fellows, manual- and office-workers
Computing Center Administrative Order, 19.03.1975
¹ 68 of 19 March 1975 "On reinforcement of fire safety public order protection"
Order, 27.01.1977
¹ 26 of 27.01.1977 on regulating the publishing and improving content and appearance of pre-prints in the USSR SBAS Computing Center
Order, V. P. Kochergin->A.P. Ershov, 28.02.1977
Project, 25.04.1978
Regulations, 15.06.1977
Plan, 03.05.1979
Plan, 03.05.1979
Proposals, 03.05.1979(?)
Written Rules, 03.05.1979(?)
Regulations, 01.03.1980

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