Paper by M.A. Bulyonkov and A.P. Ershov "How do ad-hoc compiler constructs appear in universal mixed computation processes?"
Paperby B.N. Ostrovsky "Implementation of controllable mixed computation into system for the automatic development of language-oriented parsers"
Paperby N.N. Nepeivoda "Analogs of partial evaluation and mixed computation in a logical approach"
Paperby B.N. Ostrovsky (Russian variant)
Paperby A.I. Belousov "An input language structure for the parallel mixed computation model"
Paperby A.V. Grokh and A.G. Krasovsky "Mixed calculation and verification of symbol manipulation"
Paper, 19.01.1988(?)"How do AD-HOC Compiler Constructs Appear in Universal Mixed Computation Processes?" by M.A.Bulyonkov and A.P.Ershov (for the conference proceedings)
Covering letter, 19.01.1988to corrections to the paper
Listof corrections to the papers (typed and hand-written copies)
Paper, 19.01.1988"An Algebra and Axiomatization System of Mixed Computation" by V.I.Itkin (for the conference proceedings)
Paper, 19.01.1988(?)"A Theoretical Approach to Polyvariant Mixed Computation" by M.A.Bulyonkov (for the conference proceedings)
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