Public events
Public appearances
"Komsomolskaya Pravda" direct line
Article in "Izvestiya" newspaper

Speech (handwritten), 21.02.1979
at the solidarity mass-meeting in support of Vietnam.
Reprint, 15.12.1972
of the article "Aethetics and Human Factor in Programming" used in preparation to the talk at local English club meeting (with Ershov's handwritten notes)
Speech (theses, manuscript), 30.01.1979
"On researcher's active life's attitude"
Letter (hand-written), N. N. Borodina ->A.P. Ershov, 01.02.1987
Attached is the protocol of the "Pamiat'" society meeting
Theses, 11.01.1981
of Ershov's talk "Computer as a means of technological progress" at the executives'conference organized by "Znanie" society
Theses, 13.02.1975
Notes, 11.01.1982
received by Ershov after his talk "Computer as a means of technological progress" at the executives'conference organized by "Znanie" society
Theses (draft), 16.05.1983
to the talk "Informatics and its role in national economy reequipment on basis of computer technology"
Announcement, 12.02.1985
of Ershov's talk "Office automation" at the inter-institute seminar "Computers in research"
Theses (draft), 01.02.1980
of the statement at the Computing Center's Scientific council regarding departure of G.I. Marchuk
Working Notes, 08.05.1986
for the TV program "Towards the new generation computers"
Article, 29.01.1987
Theses (draft), 18.04.1980
of the talk at the methodological seminar "New principles of computer science organization"
List, 18.12.1978
enumerating Ershov's activities in propaganda and popularization of scientific knowledge at home and abroad in 1978
Draft notes, 08.04.1979
"Akademgorodok in my life" for the appearance in the TV program "Cities and people"
Subscription, 28.10.1975-08.06.1976
to the lectures of the "University of scientific and technological advance" for 1975/76 academic year. Ershov's lecture "Past, present, and future of computers" is announced for January 6
Programme, 26.09.1977-17.04.1978
of the natural-science readings "The life of outstanding ideas" at the "Akademia" House of Culture. The discussion on Artificial Intelligence is announced for may 20, 1978
Speech, 21.05.1978
of Acad. G.I. Marchuk at the meeting with "Izvestiya" and Aeroflot campaign flight participants
Letter, 01.04.1956(?)
to the presidium of the Communist party central Committee against the deprecating attitude to the physical and mathematical methods in biology advocated by T.G. Lysenko and his followers
Fragment, 23.11.1983
from the paper by Acad. Fiodor Uglov "Medical and social consequences of alcohol consumption" presented at the All-Union conference on alcoholism control (Dzerzhinsk, 1981)

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