All-Union Conferences, Seminars, Symposiums, Schools
Second All-Union Conference in Programming
Declined Claims for Participation
Telegram, 30.12.1969
1 participant
Telegram, 19.12.1969
2 participants
Letter, 12.11.1969
3 participants
Letter, 14.11.1969
1 participant
Letter, 18.11.1969
3 participants
Hand-written notes, 10.12.1969(?)
2 participants
Hand-written notes, 03.06.1969
1 participant
Hand-written notes, 20.11.1969
1 participant
Letter, 25.08.1969
1 participant
Telegram, 04.09.1969
4 participants
Letter, 13.01.1970
3 participants
Letter, 16.01.1970
1 participant
Letter, 12.01.1970
2 participants
Letter, 08.01.1970
1 participant
Telegram, 14.01.1970
1 participant
Telegram, 09.01.1970
2 participants
Telegram, 13.01.1970
2 participants
Telegram, 21.01.1970
8 participants
Letter, 06.01.1970
4 participants
Letter, 25.12.1969
2 participants

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