School Informatics
Periodical press on the subject of SI
Articles on SI
Report, 01.01.1980(?)
"Education and national informatization" to the President of France by Prof. J.-C. Simon
Draft, 22.02.1985
of an article on computers in school education for "Sovetskaya kul'tura" newspaper
Article, 26.01.1985
"Computer at school" for "Pravda" newspaper (handwritten)
Article, 15.04.1986(?)
Article, 06.02.1985
"Computer in classroom"; "Pravda", 06.02.1985
Article (on basis of paper), 15.11.1984-17.11.1984
"Computers at school: field experience"; Conference in Sverdlovsk, 1985
Unfinished draft, 09.12.1984
of the paper "Problems of school iformatics"
Article, 26.12.1985
"Great guidance interest"; "Nauka v Sibiri" weekly, 26.12.1985 (handwritten, typewritten and printed copies)
Article, 10.04.1985
"XXI-sentury school desk"; "Literatunaya gazeta" 10.04.1985
"Coputer at school. Experience in national program creation". Material for teh talk with "Literaturnaya gazeta" reporter
Article, 21.04.1985
"Guidance fundamentals of a school course of informatics"
Article, 20.03.1984(?)
"On system developent documentation"
Item 13. (Name does not exist in this language.)

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