School Informatics
Periodical press on the subject of SI
Contribution to the "Narodnoye obrazovanie" journal
Letter, Yu. M. Novokshonov->A.P. Ershov, 17.07.1986
Proposal to writ an article o the prospects of the new course "The basics of informatics and computer science"
Talk, 28.06.1986
at the conference at the CPSU Central Committee on school reform (handwritten text)
Text of the talk, 29.06.1986
at the conference at the CPSU Central Committee on school reform (handwritten), used in preparation of the article for "Narodnoye obrazovanie"
Article, 12.08.1986(?)
"Computer "vseobitch" (universal schooling): to move forward, increase quality, not to slacken the pace"
Article, 01.08.1986-10.08.1986
"Computer "vseobitch" (universal schooling): to move forward, increase quality, not to slacken the pace" (handwritten)

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