Session N A.P.Ershov et al: "AIST-0 - an experimantal time-sharing system"; G.I.Babetskiy et al: "Dispatcher for AIST-0 system"; M.M.Bezhanova: "TENZOR system program"; Konozenko, mashbitz, Nikitin: "An OS for dialog debugging on Dnepr-21 computer"; I.Akselrod, L.Belous: "On execution of analytic transformations in the conversational-programming system SIRIUS"; Y.Krasilov: "Character printer-based system for information dieplay"; Gorbunov et al: "RND language"; B.Kalashnik: "Automatic editor for Algol programs"
Original document language: russian Authors: Igor V. Pottosin, Viktor P. Makarov, Iliya Romanovich Akselrod, G. I. Babetsky, Maya M. Bezhanova, Leonid Fiodorovich Belous, Yu. L. Vishnevsky, Vladimir N. Gorbunov, Andrei Petrovich Ershov, Boris A. Kalashnik, Michael I. Kaplunov, G. I. Kozhukhin, Yuri A. Krasilov, Lyudmila D. Kryukova, Gita Ya. Mashbits, Yuri V. Metlyaev, Yu. I. Mikhalevich, Andrei I. Nikitin, Lyudmila Ya. Prokhorova, Nina A. Ryabikina, Sergei L. Suslov, Nadezhda V. Shumilina, Nikolai N. Yanenko
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