All-Union Conferences, Seminars, Symposiums, Schools
Second All-Union Conference in Programming
Proceedings of the Conference
Session B
Session B
O.K. Daugavet et al:"Translator from SIMULA simulation language into Algol-60"; S.S. Kamynin. E.Z. Liubimskiy, V.L. Ushkova "A universal programming scheme"; V.M. Kurochkin et al:"BESM-Algol system"; S.A. Romanenko, V.F. Turchin: "REFAL compiler"; N.N. Govorun et al: "On software for the measuring and computing system OIYI-Dubna"; S.V. Briskina, L.F. Lebedev, L.I. Luneva "Modification of an IPM autocode translating program for M-220"; B.A. Kniazev, A.I. Maklakov: "Unified implementation of I/O procedures for ALGAMS and FORTRAN languages"; M.G. Gonza "On one parametric translating system"

Original document language: russian
Authors: S. V. Briskina, Nikolai N. Govorun, Michael Gonta, Olga Karlovna Daugavet, Dina V. Igolkina, Sergei S. Kamynin, Igor V. Klokachev, Boris A. Kniazev, Lev F. Lebedev, Lyudmila I. Luneva, Eduard Z. Lyubimsky, Alexei V. Maklakov, Dmitri B. Podshivalov, Sergei A. Romanenko, Vitali A. Rostovtsev, Galina I. Sedankina, V. I. Semashko, A. I. Sragovich, Nina N. Strelkova, Valentin A. Turchin, Viktoriya L. Ushkova, A. Ya. Faletova, Elizaveta Yu. Sharaya, Vladislav P. Shirikov

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