Abstract of the paper, 15.07.1974(?) "Program Illustration Systems: New Tools for Computer Program Documentation" (by R. Baecker and E. Yarwood).
Abstract of the paper, 15.07.1974(?)"Software Reliability: Philosophical Underpinings" (by R.C. Gamill).
List, 22.04.1975(?)of papers submitted for Subject Area 22 ("Impact of Reliability on Software Quality and Costs").
Abstract of the paper, 15.07.1974(?)"Constructing Correct and Efficient Concurrent Programs".
Title Page and Abstract of the paper, 08.07.1974"Current Research into the Production of Reliable Software: Defining Program "Qality" Attributes within Various Environments" (by E.L. Schulman).
List, 22.04.1975(?)of papers submitted for Subject Area 24 ("Fault-Tolerant Software").
Abstract of the paper, 15.07.1974(?)"A Note on Recoverability of Modular Systems" (by Ph. M. Merlin and D.J. Farber).
Title Page and Abstract of the paper, 15.07.1974(?)"Program Fall-Back Method in On-Line Real-Time Systems" (by K. Hukuoka and Y. Kubo).
Abstract of the paper, 15.07.1974(?)"A Practical Error Recovery Structure" (by B. Lindsay).
Title Page and Abstract of the paper, 15.07.1974"Structuring of Programming Systems into Scopes for Recovery and Error Isolation" (by H. Diel).
Title Page and Abstract of the paper, 15.07.1974"Optimal Save-points in Computer Programs in Data Base" (by K.P. Eswaran and Tz. Lee).
Abstract of the paper, 15.07.1974"Failure Tolerancy Considerations for Present and Future Air Traffic Control Systems" (by R.M. Hill and L.L. Small).
Abstract of the paper, 15.07.1974(?)"Distinct Software: An Approach to Reliable Computing" (by M.A. Fischler and al.).
Abstract of the paper, 15.07.1974(?)"Speculations on Fault-Tolerant Software" (by B.R. Borgerson).
Title Page and Advance Abstract of the paper, 15.07.1974(?)"Provably Safe Programs" (by T. Anderson).
Abstract of the paper, 15.07.1974(?)"Fault-Tolerance and Fault-Intolerance: Two Approaches to the Design of Reliable Computers" (by A. Avizienis).
List, 22.04.1975(?)of papers submitted for Subject Area 25 ("Security and Privacy").
Extended Abstract of the paper, 15.07.1974(?)"Protection and Synchronization in Actor Systems".
Abstract of the paper, 15.07.1974(?)"The Design of a Verifiable Protection System".
Abstract of the paper, 15.07.1974(?)"A Software Synthesis Technique" (by D.E. Bell and E.L. Burke).
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