International Conferences, Seminars, Symposiums, Congresses, Schools, and Colloquiums
International Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Mixed Computation
Preparation for the Workshop
Memo, A.P. Ershov->A. S. Alekseev, 17.12.1986
A.P. Ershov asks Acad. A.S. Alekseev, Director of the Novosibirsk Computing Center, to authorize preparation of documents for leaving to Denmark to the Workshop on PE&MC of several staff members of NCC
Telex, D. Bjorner->A.P. Ershov, 13.02.1987
a copy of the letter of 09.02.87
Telegram, A.V. Zamulin->D. Bjorner, 17.02.1987
A. Zamulin answers the D. Bjorner's questions from the letter of 09.02.87
Covering letter, A. Rasmussen->A.P. Ershov, 19.02.1987
to the postal packet
Letter, 19.02.1987
about Ershov's suggestions concerning paper refereeing and selection
Letter, N. D. Jones->A.P. Ershov, 20.02.1987
with a request to make a list of "challenging problems" in mixed computation and partial evaluation, his own list is enclosed
Bibliography, 27.02.1987
of papers on mixed computation by Soviet authors (with short abstracts)
Letter (hand-written), A.P. Ershov->D. Bjorner, 27.02.1987-28.02.1987
drafts of a letter to Bjorner from Zurich
Call for papers, 28.02.1987
official Call for papers and Invitation to an IFIP TC-2 Sponcored Workshop on Partial and Mixed Computation; the registration form enclosed
Letter, P. Sestoft->A.P. Ershov, 10.03.1987
with a summary of reactions to the First Announcement
Bibliography, 17.03.1987
Mixed Computation Papers by Soviet Authors
List, 20.03.1987
of postal addresses of Workshop participants
Letter, R. E. A. Mason->D. Bjorner, 23.03.1987
a copy of a letter to D. Bjorner about using IFIP logo and about publication of Proceedings
Notes (hand-written), 20.03.1987
about a conversation in the Foreign Relations Department concerning the membership of the Soviet delegation to Denmark
Letter, Ch. Gram->A.P. Ershov, 30.04.1987
with a question: will A.P. Ershov contribute to a special issue of BIT dedicated to Peter Naur's 60 years birthday?
Memo, A.P. Ershov->E. P. Velikhov, 03.04.1987
a request for financing of the trip to Denmark of 3 more Soviet scientists at the cost of the special reserve for most important directions in computer science
Memo, A.P. Ershov->I. I. Nedlin, 03.04.1987
about sending the documents of Dr. V.E. Itkin to Foreign Relations Department for getting visa to Denmark (according to resolution of the Vice-president of USSR AS Acad. E.P. Velikhov)
Letter, 03.04.1987
information about the Workshop and suggestion to delegate 2 specialists of the Higher School (Prof. Barzdin and B. Ostrovsky) to Denmark
Note (hand-written), 03.04.1987
about conversation with S.S. Lavrov: agreed
Information, 04.04.1987
about scientific contribution of Prof. Barzdin to the theory and application of mixed computation

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