Theoretical Research
Mixed Computation
Paper, 02.09.1978
a typed rough copy of the paper to "Doklady Akademii Nauk" (Reports of the USSR Akademy of Sciences)
Draft, 21.07.1978
notes to "Acta Cybernetica"
Article, 21.07.1978
"Mixed Computation in the Class of Recursive Program Schemata"
Manuscript, 01.05.1978-08.05.1978
a hand-written variant of the paper "Mixed computation in the class of program recursive schemes"
Manuscript, 09.04.1978-01.05.1978
a draft of the connected text of the paper "Mixed computation in the class of program recursive schemes"
Notes (hand-written), 29.04.1978-01.05.1978
rough notes about REFAL and the Ackermann function
Manuscript, 11.02.1978-08.05.1978
mixed computation; preparatory material for the first variant
Letter with Attachments, Anders Haraldsson->A.P. Ershov, 06.02.1981
The letter treats problems of mixed computation. The attachments contain the author's articles on its application to LISP.
Bibliography, 01.07.1987(?)

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