Theoretical Research
Mixed Computation
"How do ad-hoc compiler constructs appear in universal mixed computation processes?" (a typed copy in Russian)
a table "comp=cocom(Int)"
Rough notes
to specialization of recursive interpreter
a rough copy of the table "cocom=Mix_Mix"
Rough notes
concerned with the paper
of deriving an object code from a recursive interpreter
Rough notes
to specialization of a one-loop interpreter for an ALGOL-like language
of deriving an object code from a one-loop interpreter
Drafts for slides
for the talk at the Conference on Applied Logic
with information about A.P. Ershov and B.N. Ostrovsky
Paper (hand-written)
"On Mixed Computation: Informal Account of the Strict and Polyvariant Computational Schemes" (fair copy)
to the paper to "V mire nauki"
of guests -- representatives of the American and Soviet publishers of the journals "Scientific American" and "V mire nauki", respectively
Visiting card
Abstract, 09.02.1978
of the paper "Correctness of mixed computation in Algol-like programs"
Manuscript, 11.02.1978-08.05.1978
mixed computation; preparatory material for the first variant
Manuscript, 09.04.1978-01.05.1978
a draft of the connected text of the paper "Mixed computation in the class of program recursive schemes"
Notes (hand-written), 29.04.1978-01.05.1978
rough notes about REFAL and the Ackermann function
Manuscript, 01.05.1978-08.05.1978
a hand-written variant of the paper "Mixed computation in the class of program recursive schemes"

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