Photograph, 16.09.1979-22.09.1979 Khiva, reception; dancing-master and dancers
Photograph, 16.09.1979-22.09.1979Khiva; Zemaneks and the hosts
Photograph, 16.09.1979-22.09.1979Zemaneks
Photograph, 16.09.1979-22.09.1979Zemaneks
Photograph, 16.09.1979-22.09.1979D.Knuth and wife meeting the pioneers
Photograph, 16.09.1979-22.09.1979Urgench; E.Specker and F.Strassen
Photograph, 16.09.1979-22.09.1979Urgench; tour to a school; G.Kaufman and J.Knuth
Photograph, 16.09.1979-22.09.1979Urgench; tour to a school; N.Shanin, A, Kreczmar, M.Zemanek, and her children
Photograph, 16.09.1979Urgench; tour to a school; O.Ryzhov, Zemaneks, J.Knuth, Yu.Matiyasevich, G.Adelson-Velsky, N.Nagornyi
Photograph, 16.09.1979-22.09.1979Reception in Urgench; N. Nepeivoda, A. vanWijngaarden, M.Zemanek
Photograph, 16.09.1979-22.09.1979Urgench; tour to a school; dinner
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