Letter on a Form with Attachment, 20.04.1984 ACM informs of the 1984 Council Elections. The biographical sketches and brief statements of the candidates are represented. The election ballot is enclosed.
Memo note, 20.04.1984It is a reminder for members who has not yet returned a ballot for the consideration of a proposed amendment to Article 12 of the ACM Constitution.
Letter on a Form, R. D. Parslow->A.P. Ershov, 15.10.1984Regional Representative informs of ACM European Chapter activities, of ACM Conference (which will be held in Florence, Italy, March 28-29, 1985) and Contest (in New Orleans, Louisiana, March 12-14, 1985).
Invoice, 31.01.1985ACM invoice for membership renewal and dues.
Letter on a Form with Attachments, 17.01.1986Executive Director sends an exhaustive information about ACM highlights publications, chapters and SIGs. ACM membership renewal invoice, a membership card till 1987, a sales slip and a questionnaire are attached.
Pricelist, 25.04.1986of membership dues and subscriptions to ACM publications.
Envelope, Voting paper, 01.04.1988(?)The ballot is addressed to A.Ershov for voting for president, vice-president and members-at-large of ACM Council in 1988.
Letter on a Form with Attachments, I. Hollister->A.P. Ershov, 25.04.1986It is a follow letter from the ACM office to send the renewal invoice and payment, or else A.Ershov loses the ACM advantage. Renewal invoice and sales slip are attached.
Telegram, A.P. Ershov->I. Hollister, 25.04.1986(Copy) A.Ershov informs Irene Hollister that he has taken care of ACM membership.
Telegram, A.P. Ershov->F. L. Bauer, 25.04.1986(Copy) A.Ershov informs Prof. Bauer that he has assured ACM that everything is OK.
Letter on a Form, 29.05.1986The BCS member A.Ershov is informed about consiquences of the British Computer Society formal recognition as Chartered Engineering Institution. He is asked to respond to the two questions about a registration as a Professional Engineer.
Questionnaire, 29.05.1986from British Computer Society.
Receipt, 29.05.1986of Annual Subscription Remittance Advice to the British Computer Society.
Letter on a Form, 29.05.1986of British Computer Society about conditions of 1986 subscription.
Receipt, 03.05.1987of Annual subscription to the British Computer Society.
Letter on a Form, 03.05.1987The author appeals to BCS members for a registration of a professional status as "C Eng" (Chartered Engineer). The article copied on the back of the letter explains how to apply for this status.
Materials, 10.05.1988about 1988/89 annual subscription: the BCS form for A.Ershov, BCS publications describing and a price list for different grades of a membership.
Letter on a Form, 02.06.1986(Copy) Prof. F. L. Bauer sends to ASM the enclosed cheque paying $72 for A.Ershov's ACM dues 1986.
Letter on a Form, 06.05.1987Executive director thanks for joining ACM, perhaps by mistake, because A.Ershov is a member of ACM from 1965.
Membership card, 20.08.1987New ACM membership card of A.Ershov till 04/1988.
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