Programme, D. Bjorner->A.P. Ershov, 15.10.1987 for the Denmark visit of A.P. Ershov and A.V. Zamulin
Form, 18.10.1987"List of terms for Taxonomy"
Notes (hand-written), 22.10.1987-23.10.1987first notes during the panel discussion
Publishing plan, 23.10.1987for Proceedings and New Generation Computing Journal (with Ershov's remarks)
List, 23.10.1987of terms on PE&MC, initial version
Notes (hand-written), 26.10.1987made during the lectures at the Technical University
Scheme, 26.10.1987(?)of the participants' sits at the tables
Schedule (hand-written), 26.10.1987(?)for Monday-Wednesday
Notes (hand-written), 28.10.1987made when visiting DIKU
Letter, D. Bjorner->A.P. Ershov, 28.10.1987about Bjorner's plans of visiting USSR in May, 1988
List, A.P. Ershov->A. Rasmussen
Paper, 06.02.1987"Challenging problems in PE&MC" by Neil D. Jones (with a hand-written part)
Paper (hand-written), 23.10.1987(?)not delivered at the Workshop
Notes (hand-written), 23.10.1987(?)made during the conversation at DDC (Dansk Datamatik Center)
Review (hand-written), 26.10.1987of H. Fujita's and K. Furukawa's paper "A self-applicable partial evaluator and its use in incremental compilation"
Working Notes
Item 37. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Memorabilia, 15.10.1987-02.11.1987
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