Languageless programming, 26.10.1981 the first version of the paper
Languageless programming, 26.10.1981(?)the second version of the paper (to be translated, without examples)
Languageless programming, 28.04.1982translation into Russian by A. F. Rar
Hand-written notes, 22.04.1982(?)chronology of pre-publishing work with N. N. Nepeivoda's paper "The logical approach to programming"
Hand-written notes, 21.01.1980(?)chronology of pre-publishing work with E. H. Tyugu's paper "The structural synthesis of programs"
The structural synthesis of programs, 21.01.1980typed copy of the paper
Hand-written notes, 04.06.1980(?)chronology of pre-publishing work with A. A. Letichevsky's paper "On finding invariant relations of programs"
Paper, 04.06.1980"On finding invariant relations of programs"
Hand-written notes, 23.01.1980(?)chronology of pre-publishing work with G. M. Adel'son-Vel'skii's paper "What can we do with problems of exhaustive search?"
What can we do with problems of exhaustive search?, 23.01.1980typed copy of the paper
Hand-written notes, 21.07.1981(?)chronology of pre-publishing work with the paper by A. Alder and V. Strassen "The algorithmic complexity of linear algebras"
The algorithmic complexity of linear algebras, 21.07.1981translation into Russian by A. O. Slisenko
Hand-written notes, 19.06.1982chronology of pre-publishing work with S. Kleene's paper "Algorithms in various contexts"
Algorithms in various contexts, 19.06.1982(?)typed copy of the paper
Letter, S. C. Kleene ->A.P. Ershov, 22.03.1982about misprints found in the Springer publishing of the paper
Algorithms in various contexts, 19.06.1982translation into Russian by G. V. Sheina
Hand-written notes, 28.04.1982(?)chronology of pre-publishing work with N. A. Shanin's paper "Role of a notion of algorithm in the arithmetic language semantics"
Role of a notion of algorithm in the arithmetic language semantics, 28.04.1982typed copy of the paper
Hand-written notes, 23.10.1980(?)chronology of pre-publishing work with G. S. Tseytin's paper "From logicism to proceduralism"
From logicism to proceduralism, 23.10.1980typed copy of the paper
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