Agenda, 14.04.1978-15.04.1978 of the current twenty-third meeting of IFIP TC-2. Agenda Item 3.0.
Report, 01.01.1978(?)on TC-2. Prof. M.Paul, the chairman of TC-2reports that "at present there exist seven Working Groups under TC-2, and are given sketched informations on each of them". Agenda Item 5.0.
Letter on a Form, J. E. L. Peck->M. Paul, 10.01.1978The chairman of WG 2.1 reportes on the meeting of WG 2.1 which took place at the University of Oxford on 1977, December 16 to 22. Agenda Item 6.0 of 23rd Meeting of TC-2.
Letter, J. McKehan->A.P. Ershov, 26.05.1978
Letter on a Form (handwritten), E. J. Neuhold->M. Paul, 27.02.1978Prof. Erich Neuhold requests to give official IFIP sponsorship to the conference of WG 2.2 in Kyoto, Japan. (Agenda Item 7.2)
Report with Attacments, 14.04.1978of WG 2.5 (on Numerical Software) to TC-2. Appendix A contains the program of WG 2.5 Working Conference in Baden on December 11-15, 1978. Appendix B includes Topic Agenda of WG2.5 Meeting 4 in Toronto on the 1st-5th of May 1978. (Agenda Item 10 of 23rd TC-2 Meeting)
Application, 18.05.1978for a Working Conference "Data Base Architecture" in Venice, Italy on June 20-22, 1979. (Agenda Item 11.2.1)
Letter on a Form, P. A. Bobillier->M. Paul, 24.11.1977P.A.Bobillier asks M.Paul for two subjects: 1)cooperation in a publication of an information on IFIP activities and 2)requests from TC-2 to UNESCO for support/funds. (Agenda Item 14.4.1)
Letter on a Form, 30.03.1978G.J.Morris as a Chairman of the IFIP Public Information Committee appeals to TC Chairmen for the active help in a publication of results of the TC work. The first step in this will be an establishment of a newsletter "IFIP NEWS". Agenda Item 14.4.1.
Letter on a Form, P. A. Bobillier->M. Paul, 28.02.1978President P.A.Bobiller suggests to M.Paul to be the IFIP contact for ISO in his capacity as TC-2 Chairman. Agenda Item 14.4.2.
Letter on a Form, P. A. Bobillier->M. Paul, 03.04.1978The IFIP President suggests to the TC's to take a very active part in the EURO-IFIP 79 Program. He intends to call a meeting of all TC and WG Chairmen in Oslo on Monday, September 11, 1978. Agenda Item 14.4.3.
List, 14.04.1978(?)of TC-2 document numbers pertaining to the 21st, 22nd and 23rd meetings of TC-2.
Initial order | In alphabetical order | By date |