Scheme, 04.04.1974 TC-2 Interface to IFIP.
Plan, 04.04.1974of financing of proposed TC-2 organization.
Proposals, 04.04.1974of TC-2 to IFIP General Assembly.
Report, 22.03.1974III Progress report of Dr. Daniel Taupin.
Letter, Ch. H. Lindsey->T. B. Steel, Jr., 02.04.1974Editor C.H.Lindsey reports on the current state of the ALGOL Bulletin.
Programme, 18.07.1974of the last 17th Meeting IFIP TC-2. The current and future plans of the IFIP TC-2 activities are represented in this programme.
Proposals, 28.03.1974regarding WG-2.2 Membership.
Materials, 18.07.1974Scope and Membership of WG-2.1 (ALGOL) and WG-2.2 (Programming Language Description) are represented.
Proposal, 04.04.1974IFIP Working Conference on "A critical in depth Evaluation of the DDL (Data Descrition Language)" to be held in Brussels, January 13-17, 1975.
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