Editorial activity
A.P. Ershov's contribution to the "Mikroprocessornye Sredstva i Sistemy" Journal
Editor's column
"Object-oriented interaction with computer"; eitor's column, ¹3, 1985
Rough draft
of the editor's column for the issue ¹3, 1985
Article, 04.02.1984
"Dear reader!" for the first issue of the journal (¹1, 1984)
Artocle, 01.03.1984(?)
Article, 01.05.1984(?)
Article, 01.10.1984(?)
Article, 12.02.1985
"School computer: a challenge to the industry" (typewritten)
Article, 12.02.1985
"School computer: a challenge to the industry" for the editor's column (handwritten)
Article, 24.04.1985
"How to teach programming".
Article, 25.04.1985
"How to teach programming"; editor's column; ¹2, 1985
Article, 25.07.1985
"Object-oriented interaction with computer"; eitor's column, ¹3, 1985
Letter, Unknown Author->A.P. Ershov, 06.08.1985
informing of returning the re-typed text of the paper
Article, 03.09.1985
"On computer information model"; editor's column, ¹4, 1985
Article, 22.12.1985(?)
Article, 07.03.1986
Article, 20.05.1986
Article, 04.10.1986

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