Editorial activity
Editor's Forewords
Foreword to "The Algol 60 Revised Report"
Foreword and editing of Yu.M. Bezborodov's book "Individual Program Debugging"
Foreword to V.M. Pentkowsky's book "Elbrus Autocode"
Foreword to the book by S.I. Shapiro and A.B. Boiko "Programmable Calculators in Education"
Foreword and editing of the book by V.A.Nepomnyaschy and O.M. Ryakin "Applied Approaches to Program Verification"
Foreword to the collected articles "Computers in edicational process"

Editor's foreword, 17.06.1977
to V.E.Kotov's book "Introduction to program schemata theory"
Foreword, 01.07.1978
to the collected articles "Communication with Computer in Natural Language" of the "Dialog" project; Novosibirsk, 1978
Foreword, 26.11.1978
to the Proceedings of the Repino Conference published in "Machine Intelligence", 9. — New York,1979 — P. V–VI (typewritten and handwritten copies, drafts, bibliography).
Foreword, 13.02.1979
to the monograph by A.F.Fuksman "Technological aspects of program systems creation", 1979 (handwritten and typewritten)
Foreword, 13.11.1979
to the Computing Center's collected articles "New problems in informatics", 1979
Foreword, 22.04.1980
to the collection "Applied informatics", Issue 1
Foreword, 24.02.1981
to the collection "Abstract data types" edited by V.N.Agafonov
Foreword, 02.04.1981
to the two-volume collection "Theory and practice of computer software" (Proceedings of Soviet-French Symposium). Enclosed is the volumes' indices
Article, 15.02.1982
Article, 27.03.1982
Article, 29.03.1982
Article, 19.04.1982
Editor's foreword, 15.11.1982(?)
to Russian translation of the book by Suad Alagic and Michael A. Arbib "The Design of Well-Structured and Correct Programs"
Foreword, 19.03.1983
Foreword, 25.06.1984
by executive editor of the collection "Modelling of linguistic activities in intelligence systems" (handwritten)
Foreword, 27.06.1984
by executive editor of the collection "Modelling of linguistic activities in intelligence systems"
Scientific editor's word, 10.07.1984
Foreword to annotated index of domestic works on computers in education, compiled by N.A.Sadovskaya
Order #44, 13.03.1985
on forming an editorial board of Soviet-Bulgarian collected articles "Mathematical theory of programming"
Order, 28.03.1985
by way of amendment of Order #44 of March 13, 1985
Foreword, 05.08.1985
to the Soviet-Bulgarian collected articles "Mathematical theory of programming"

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