Theoretical Research
On the subject of informatics
Articles and other documents
Summary of the lectures, 29.10.1952-18.04.1953
"Principles of programming", read by A.A.Lyapunov at MSU in 1952/53 academic year
Course program, 10.05.1954(?)
"The basics of programming" read at the Moscow state university in 1954
Item, 10.04.1966(?)
"Integer labels in Algol" published in "The journal of ahematical physics", Vol.6, #4
Technical Report, 13.12.1968
"Formal Definition of ALGOL 60", TR 25.088.
Reprint, 13.11.1971
of te article "Three Coordinate Systems for Information Science Approaches", given to Ershov by the author
Article, 01.11.1977
"Research in informatics in the USSR(1968-1977)" by A.Mikhailov, A.Chernov, and R.Gilyarevsky, published in VINITI bulletin "Scientific and technical information" ¹11-12
Copy of the Article, 01.11.1981
Paper, 01.03.1983
Opening address of the AS President, Acad. A.Alexandrov at the yearly AS General Meeting in 1983
Paper, 01.03.1983
Talk of of the AS vice-president, Acad. E.P.Velikhov at the yearly AS General Meeting in 1983: "On AS organization of works in informatics, computer engineering and automation"
Speech, 01.03.1983
Information booklet, 01.07.1983
on the new publications in mathematics and programing
Article, 29.08.1983
"On the prospects of informatics" by A.Mikhailov and R.Gilyarevsky, published in VINITI bulletin "Scientific and technical information", Series 2, ¹5
Article, 01.10.1983(?)
Article, 18.01.1984
Article, 28.01.1984
Article, 19.07.1984
Article, 19.07.1984
Abstract, 19.07.1984
Theses of the Paper, 19.07.1984

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