Documents on computer science
Various documents on domestic hardware and its use
Agenda, 24.11.1967
of the Commission meeting held on Nov. 24 1967. (Supposedly, the interdepartmental commission on software is meant.)
Analytical Memo with Attachments, 01.01.1964(?)
The documents contain proposals on creating the United State Net of computing centers.
Announcement, 15.01.1961(?)
on a conference, organized by the Association of M-20 users, on creating the Technical Section of the Association.
Announcement, 04.04.1961(?)
on a meeting of the Commission on M-20 computers maintenance, Technical Section.
Article, 20.03.1980
"On future computarization of humanity faculties at the Moscow state university"
Article, 15.09.1980
by A.Beskin "Global memory allocation for a fail-proof program in special-purpose coputer"
Article, 12.01.1982
"More about necessity of productive dialog with coputer"
Booklet, 15.05.1971(?)
Classifier, 01.04.1968
of the State Algorithms and Programs Fund.
Communication, 20.06.1960-24.06.1960
(¹ 3) of the Association of M-20 users on a conference which discussed systems of standard programs for M-20.
Communication, 29.06.1960-01.07.1960
(¹ 1) of the Association of M-20 users on a working conference which discussed problems connected with ALGOL 60 project and the Source Language of Programming Automatization System (Ershov's project).
Communication, 21.09.1960
(¹ 4) of the Association of M-20 users on the 2nd meeting of the Asociation Council.
Communication, 22.12.1960-24.12.1960
(¹ 5) of the Association of M-20 users on the Conference on designing programming programs based on the ALGOL language.
Communication, 10.01.1961
(¹ 6) of the Association of M-20 users on the 3rd meeting of the Asociation Council.
Communication, 19.10.1961
¹ 9 as to activities of the Commission on M-20 computers maintenance.
Communication, 08.01.1962
¹ 10 as to activities of the Commission on M-20 computers maintenance.
Communication, 19.12.1962
¹ 15 as to activities of the Commission on M-20 computers maintenance.
Communication, 09.01.1963
¹ 16 as to activities of the Commission on M-20 computers maintenance.
Communication, 16.01.1963
¹ 17 as to activities of the Commission on M-20 computers maintenance.

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