Documents on computer science
SCST documents
Scientific Council on Computing Enginering and Software
Workgroup on Data Banks Software (WDBS)
Workgroup onTechnology of Programming (WGTP)
Item 4. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Item 5. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Normative documents on software production
SCST Resolutions, Regulations

of the draft integrated program for 12th five-year plan
Instructions and Decision, 05.06.1968
Regulations, 16.07.1968
Regulations, 15.10.1969
Regulations, 24.11.1970
Instructions and Covering letter, 24.01.1974
Regulations, 08.04.1976
Letter, 05.10.1978
Letter, 07.12.1982
Letter, 10.04.1986
on updates to the subprogram of the 7th scientific and technical program; 0.80.02; proposed additions are enclosed

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