Scientific Manpower Training
Dissertation defence of third-party candidates
B.A. Feldman's Dissertation Proceedings
by B.A. Feldman "Studies in technological and organizational development of production of large-capacity media products" (based on the author's published works)
Review, 10.03.1984-11.03.1984
of the official opponent (handwritten)
Review, 12.03.1984
of the official opponent (typewritten with Ershov's habdwritten subscript - "Preseted at the defence at Moscow Polygraphic Institute on March 27. Vote result - 12:1")
Review, 15.03.1984(?)
of the head institution of the Computing Center's works on the subject "Research and development of methods and tools for automated databanks and information storage and retrieval systems" related to "Rubin" project in 1983 (handwritten by A.P. Ershov)
Newspaper issue, 26.03.1984
Letterpress issue of "Pravda" ¹86 of 26 March 1984 illustrating S.A. Feldman's dissertation results
Newspaper issue, 26.03.1984
Issue of "Pravda" ¹86 of 26 March 1984 done in offset printing, illustrating S.A. Feldman's dissertation results
Draft resolution, 27.03.1984
of the specalized dissertation board on the dissertation by B.A. Feldman "Studies in technological and organizational development of production of large-capacity media products"

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