IIS: Organization Issues
Correspondence, Yu. D. Tsvetkov->I.M. Makarov..., 04.10.1990-20.11.1990
on assignment of a Classificator of performer & correspondent code of the AS USSR information system to the IIS
Declaration, I.V. Pottosin->B. N. Eltsin, 21.08.1991
of the general assembly of the IIS "with strong condemnation of the anti-Constututional putsch carried out by the so called GKChP State Emergency Committee"
Direction, 21.08.1991
of the SB AS USSR "on the current moment" in connection to the "current critical situation in the country"
Government telegram, Yu. S. Osipov->V. E. Kotov, 25.07.1995
The President of the RAS congratulates V. Kotov with his 65th birthday, and wished good health, happiness, prosperity, and a lot of success.
Letter, 08.08.1990
Letter from the Research Publication Committee of the AS USSR permitting to publish the "System Informatics" series with the IIS SB AS USSR logo.
Letter, 30.11.1990
letter to the editorial board of the Microprocessor Tools and Systems from the editor of the System Informatics series asking to place information about the first publication in the series.
Letter, 17.04.1991
asking to present proposals to the Direction of External Affairs of the AS USSR on the exchange research missions of young scientists to China
Letter, 20.08.1991
of the SB AS USSR Presidium to the leaders of institutions and enterprises of the SB AS "due to the announcement of state of emergency in a number of regions of the USSR"
Letter, I.V. Pottosin->V. A. Koptyug, 19.10.1992
petition for a change in the PhD defence council staff of the IIS
Letter, V.I. Konstantinov->G. A. Sapozhnikov, 31.12.1995(?)
proposing the foundation of a public information server in the IIS based on the research materials produced by the Institute.
Memo, N.A. Cheremnykh->I.V. Pottosin, 15.03.1993
on the transfer of engineer Olga Drobyshevich to contract-based payment system
Order draft, 01.06.1992(?)
to the IIS on the changes in the rules of international business trips of the Institute members
Petition, I.V. Pottosin->A. N. Manokhin, 21.08.1991
condemning the anti-constitutional putsch and demanding the possibility for the lawfully elected President of the Union to return to his duties. Accepted by the general assembly of the IIS SB RAS.
Proceedings Protocol, 01.06.1992(?)
of the IIS member conference on the occasion of the passing of new institute regulations
Protocol Excerpt, 07.12.1993
from the 23rd sittings of the IIS Scientific Council. The Council resolved to petition for granting to the IIS the name of academician Andrei Ershov. Attached to the protocol is the Note on the research and organizational activities of Andrei Ershov.
Resolution, 11.10.1994
of the RAS Presidium granting the IIS the name of academician Andrei Ershov

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