Lecture notes, 29.10.1957-10.12.1957 in constructive mathematical logic (Prof. A.A. Markov)
Summaryof the "Introduction to Mathematics" by S. Kleene
List, 23.03.1957(?)of the members of a seminar in Turing machines
List of topicsin set theory and real-number functions theory for the qualifying examination for the candidate degree
Summaryof the literature being read in 1956-1957
Summaryof the V.A. Uspenskiy's thesis "On operations over enumerable sets"
Lecture notes, 15.11.1955-13.04.1956in functional analysis-1
Working notes, 01.09.1955(?)-01.08.1956(?)on the course "Functional analysis-II"
Working notes, 01.09.1955(?)-01.08.1956(?)on the course "Functional analysis-III"
Working notes, 01.09.1955(?)-01.08.1956(?)taken during the preparation to the examination in functional analysis
Notes, 31.10.1955-01.08.1956(?)taken at presentations and seminars
Summary, 01.09.1955(?)-01.08.1956(?)of the article "Qualification of the Americal Man Power" from the CA journal, Vol.4.N5, 1955.
Lecture notes, 20.09.1955-18.10.1955"Introduction to cybernetics" course
Notepad, 01.01.1955(?)Miscellaneous notes. "L.Botchek" written on the cover.
Seminar notes, 26.12.1955in cybernetics
Stenogram and paper, 14.03.1956"A Programming program for the USSR AS BESM computer" submitted to the conference "The ways of progress in the soviet computer manufacturing and instrument-making"; attached is the request to edit the paper and send it back for publishing in the conference proceedings.
Thasis of paper, 10.04.1956
Draft paper abstract, 01.03.1956(?)"Automated programming" submitted to the Third All-Union Mathematicians' Congress; handwritten copy
Lecture notes, 01.09.1955(?)-01.08.1956(?)taken during the course read by V.A. Uspenskiy "General algorithms theory"
Lecture notes, 19.10.1955-28.03.1956Course by Prof. S.V. Yablonskiy
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