Svyatoslav S. Lavrov's Archive
S. Lavrov's Personal File
Scientific Authobiography, 01.03.1998
Student record book, 11.12.1939-30.06.1941
Student ID, 01.09.1939-01.09.1941
Air Force Academy Diploma, 23.06.1944
of graduating the Department of Engineering as mechanical engineer
Extract from grade report, 01.07.1944(?)
Photo, 24.03.1944(?)
Medal Certificate, 09.06.1945-09.05.1946
Medal Certificate, 09.05.1945-09.05.1946
Medal Certificate, 09.06.1945-30.10.1945
Award Sheet, 04.06.1945-12.06.1945
Act, 04.06.1945
Order, 19.06.1945
Decoration Certificate, 29.11.1946
Decoration Certificate, 17.06.1961-23.06.1961
Student record book, 01.09.1947-18.05.1954
Moscow State University Diploma, 30.06.1954
of graduating with honors the Department of mechanics and mathematics
Extract from grade report, 30.06.1954
University Badge Certificate, 30.06.1954
Lenin Prize Certificate, 18.12.1957-31.12.1957
Certificate of Doctor's Degree, 15.01.1959
and abstract of the Higher Attestation Commission record

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