Editorial activity
A.P. Ershov's contribution to the "Mikroprocessornye Sredstva i Sistemy" Journal
Translated and working documents
Decision, 30.08.1983
Decision, 11.12.1986
Decision, 23.02.1987
Order, 26.02.1987
Order, 06.03.1987
Order, 02.03.1987
Memo, N. V. Gorshkov->M. F. Nenashev, 04.06.1987
Decision, 04.06.1987
Memo, I. Z. Karas'->A.P. Ershov
Working Notes, 07.04.1987
Letter, 22.06.1987
Letter, N. V. Gorshkov->M. F. Nenashev, 22.06.1987
Working Notes
Direction, 09.06.1987
Letter, 15.07.1987
Letter, 21.09.1987
Memo, A.P. Ershov->N. V. Gorshkov, 30.07.1987

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