INewspaper item, 11.10.1967 Report at the Supreme Council Session made by Baybakov "USSR national economy plan for 1968"; clipping from Pravda newspaper
Draft report"Computer software in the USSR" (state and probles)
Working Notesmade in preparation to the group meeting
ListAddresses and phone numbers of the members of the experts' group
Memo, 10.02.1968for the experts' group about the 1st meeting
Materials, V.V. Kirillov->A.P. Ershov, 01.04.1968for the report: on software developed by Minpribor
Extract, 26.02.1968from the individual report of 1967
Paper, 01.04.1968"Time sharing: the need in re-orientation" - talk at the IFIP-68 panel discussion (in Russian and English)
Thesesto the report paragraphs
Memoon BESM-6 software
TableALGIBR system development cost
Working Noteson software structure
Memo"Organization of scientific and development center of system programming"
MemoSoftware for military computers
Memo, 05.03.1968Material for the report
Memo, I. N. Molchanov->A.P. ErshovProposals on the report structure
Manualfor ALGIBR system
"Expired" materials
1-st Draft of the Paper, 15.05.1968-19.05.1968
2-nd Draft of the Paper, 20.05.1968-23.05.1968
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