Memorabilia, 22.09.1987-01.10.1987
Memorabilia, 24.09.1987-30.09.1987
Magazine, 27.09.1987"The CPSR Newsletter" V.5, No.3
Article, 28.09.1987"Simulation of the Short-Term Effects of a "Limited" Nuclear War in Europe". by A.Ottolenghi.
Bulletin, 28.09.1987Unione Scienziati per Il Disarmo. Anno IV, No.3, Settembre 1987
Bulletin, 28.09.1987Unione Scienziati per Il Disarmo. Anno III, No.$, Decembre 1986
Article, 30.09.1987"Semantics Directed Compiler Construction using Structured Definitions in Denotational Style" by V.Ambriola, C.Montangero.
Preprints, 30.09.1987
Report, 18.03.1987of the World Health Organization Management Group "Effects of Nuclear War on Health and Health Services".
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