Booklet, 01.01.1971(?) introducing AFIPS. The American Federation of Information Processing Societies comprises 12 national organizations including the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Information, 01.01.1970(?)on Nominees for ACM Counsil 1970. A biographical data and an election statement of each contender are represented.
Booklet, 24.01.1970about the Special Interest Group on Operating Systems (SIGOPS). ASM members and other people interested in operating systems are invited to join to SIGOPS.
Letter, 11.05.1970The ACM members are suggested to vote for a proposed constitutional amendment and for Regional Representatives. The completed ballots should be received at the ACM office no later than May 26, 1970.
Information, 28.11.1970on Special Interest Groups and Special Interest Committees (as of September 8,1970). There is a list of existing groups and committees.
Booklet, 28.11.1970"ACM Publications and Services Reference Guide". It is a guide to ACM services and activities in which ACM members may participate, as well as publications that are available for purchase from the Association.
Letter, 22.02.1971ACM members are suggested to vote for the two ACM Constitutional amendments proposed by the ACM Council at its November 20, 1970 meeting.
Information, 02.06.1971on Special Interest Group on Programming Languages (SIGPLAN): Biographical sketches of nominees to the posts of Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer as well as the Bylaws of SIGPLAN with proposed amendments.
Intention Card, 01.10.1970(?)for submitting a paper to ACM'71 National Conference.
Call for papers, 03.08.1971-05.08.1971The ACM'71 National Conference will be held in Chicago, Illinois on August 3-5, 1971. Suggested areas of interest are listed on the second page as a guide for the submission of papers.
Catalogue, 06.01.1972The ACM fee schedule of publications for ACM members and non-ACM members.
Statute, 03.05.1972Proposed Bylaws of SIGPLAN. (April 1972)
Covering Letter with Attachment, J. E. Sammet->A.P. Ershov, 03.04.1972The SIGPLAN Chairman represents the revised Bylaws to introduce SIGPLAN Technical Committee. The summary of benefits and of risks is attached. The Chairman urges members of this group to vote "Yes".
Letter, 20.04.1972The ACM secretary sends the ballot for ACM election for the President, Vice-President, etc. Biographical sketches and pictures of candidates are enclosed. Ballots must be received not later than May 22.
Letter with Attachment, W.M.Carlson->A.P. Ershov, 20.05.1972ACM President Walter M. Carlson informs about a change of a membership fulfillment system and about increasing the member dues and subsription rates. Enclosed is a verification form for A.P.Ershov.
Membership Card, 01.01.1972A.P.Ershov is the member of the Association for Computing Machinery since 1965. (The last date of the card presented at the archive is 1980.)
Membership Card, 12.02.1979This is a new Membership card for A.P.Ershov with the urge to participate in ACM activities and to send the names of people who may be interested in ACM Membership.
Letter on a Form, J. D. Ullman->A.P. Ershov, 27.04.1979Jeffrey D. Ullman represents a slate of candidates to an executive committee of SIGACT consisting of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and so on. A.Ershov didn't vote because of the letter was received late.
Letter on a Form, 01.06.1979Robert M. Graham sends the ballot for the election of SIGPLAN officers for two years. Enclosed is a biographical information of candidates for SIGPLAN Office and Executive Committee.
Letter on a Form, D. H. Brandin->A.P. Ershov, 07.04.1980The letter is in the form of a booklet. The ACM secretary represents an information for the election of officers, Members-at-Large and Regional Representatives to Council. A.Ershov ticked off photos of elect candidates.
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